Save the Snow Leopards

You can make a difference. Yes you!

By just completing a 30 second survey, you will be giving $2 to SnowLeopardTrust, a Snow Leopard charity. Click HERE to complete a survey and save them today.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Thank you for coming

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Hi, my names Sarah Gullen. I have travelled the world and have been to many beautiful and amazing places. One of my most memorable experiences was to see a Snow Leopard with her cub in Nepal.

I had been to Nepal years back to experience the beautiful country and we had come across a Snow Leopard. They are absolutely beautiful animals. I remember seeing a mother and her cub and it brought a tear to my eyes.

I spoke to a animal expert who had been staying in a village in Nepal. He told me that even though he loves these animals, it is hard to study and keep them safe without any money. Equipement is expensive, hiring people is expensive, time is money. And really, it makes sense. People have families who want nothing better to keep their loved ones safe, just as this mother Snow Leopard was trying to keep her cub safe and healthy.

Mankind is hunting these animals and their numbers are very limited. I have been trying my best to get the word out and I know it will help.

Just by completing a 30 second survey you will be funding scientists and animal experts into helping these beautiful animals and being able to increase their numbers once again.